A PDF417 stacked two-dimensional barcode is displayed on the bottom left corner. Other information on the front include (if applicable) the owner's pay grade, rank and federal identifier. The top right corner displays the expiration date. Below the photo is the name of the owner. A color photo of the owner is placed on the top left corner. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE" repeated across the card. On the front of the card, the background shows the phrase "U.S. Different RAPIDS sites have been set up throughout military installations in and out of combat theater to issue new cards. The system is secure and monitored by the DoD at all times.

Applying for a CAC requires DoD form 1172-2 to be filled out and then filed with RAPIDS. RAPIDS interfaces with the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS), and uses this system to verify that the candidate has passed a background investigation and FBI fingerprint check. The program that is currently used to issue CAC IDs is called the Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS).

Coast Guard DoD civilians USCG civilians non-DoD/other government employees and State Employees of the National Guard and eligible DoD and USCG contractors who need access to DoD or USCG facilities and/or DoD computer network systems: The CAC is issued to Active United States Armed Forces (Regular, Reserves and National Guard) in the Department of Defense and the U.S. DoD has deployed an issuance infrastructure at over 1,000 sites in more than 25 countries around the world and is rolling out more than one million card readers and associated middleware. As of the same date, approximately 3.5 million unterminated or active CACs are in circulation. This number includes reissues to accommodate changes in name, rank, or status and to replace lost or stolen cards. As of 2008, DoD has issued over 17 million smart cards. The CAC also satisfies the requirements for digital signature and data encryption technologies: authentication, integrity and non-repudiation. In combination with a personal identification number, a CAC satisfies the requirement for two-factor authentication: something the user knows combined with something the user has. It also serves as an identification card under the Geneva Conventions (esp. It is also the principal card used to enable physical access to buildings and controlled spaces, and it provides access to defense computer networks and systems. It is the standard identification for Active Duty United States Defense personnel, to include the Selected Reserve and National Guard, United States Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employees, United States Coast Guard (USCG) civilian employees and eligible DoD and USCG contractor personnel. The Common Access Card, also commonly referred to as the CAC is a smart card about the size of a credit card.